
Importance and Maintenance of REFUGE AREAS for Residential Buildings

Importance and Maintenance of REFUGE AREAS for Residential Buildings

To enable the Managing Committee to fulfill its obligation under the Maharashtra Fire Act 2007.

The National Building Code 2016 defines REFUGE AREAS in Clause 2.53 as “An area within the building for a temporary use during evacuation. It generally serves as an assembly point which is protected from the effect of fire and smoke.”

The requirement of access from the external face of the building is given in NBC, ANNEX E, Clause (d)(1) “The refuge area shall be provided on the periphery of the floor and open to air at least on one side protected with suitable railings.”

Hence provision of fixed grills or lockable windows on the external face of the REFUGE AREA is prohibited.

Further requirement for accessibility of Refuge Area is given in ANNEX E, Clause 4 (g) of NBC which states that “Refuge areas shall be approachable from the space they serve by an accessible means of egress.”

This makes it mandatory that the Refuge Areas are accessible in case of an emergency. Hence ideally, they should be kept UNLOCKED. However, if they must be locked due to security reasons, the key to the lock should be kept nearby in a glass box. The glass box can be broken to access the key and open the Refuge Area Door in case of an emergency.

Other requirements of Refuge Areas are as under:

NBC, ANNEX E, Clause 4 (f) Each refuge area shall be ventilated and provided with first aid box, fire extinguishers, public address speaker, fire man talk back, and adequate emergency lighting as well as drinking water facility.

NBC, ANNEX E, Clause 4 (j) The refuge area shall always be kept clear. No storage of combustible products and materials, electrical and mechanical equipment, etc shall be allowed in such areas.

In the interest of Resident Fire Safety and to avoid any penal actions, the Managing Committee members are urged to follow the NBC-2016 norms for Refuge Areas.

Related Matter / Images :

Refuge area is marked by the circle

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