
Importance of Travel Distance in Fire Safety

Fire saftey

To help the reader understand the concept of “travel distance” from the fire safety point of view and explain how to measure the same.

As per National Building Code 2016 (Part IV, Clause 2.59) Travel Distance is defined as “The distance to be traveled from any point in a building to a protected exit or external escape route or final exit measured along the line of travel.”

Further as per NBC 2016, clause (b) The Travel distance shall be measured from the most remote point within a storey or a mezzanine floor along the natural and unobstructed path of horizontal or vertical egress travel to the staircase fire door or external exit 

Table 5 of NBC 2016 (Part IV) gives the maximum travel distances as under

Method of Calculation of Travel Distance:

In the above image the travel distance is measured from the farthest end of the room to the room door (48’3”). Then from the room door to the staircase door (49’0” + 12’5”) to arrive a total Travel Distance of 109’8” i.e. (33.43 meters)

Importance of Travel Distance:

The travel distances are specified to ensure that the time to egress is under 1 minute (depending on the type of construction). This time is critical to ensure that there is no panic created and the evacuation happens in an orderly manner.

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