
Outdated Fire Equipment in South Mumbai Tower: Why It’s Time to Upgrade

Outdated Fire Equipment in South Mumbai Tower: Why It's Time to Upgrade

Mumbai, India’s financial capital and the heart of its commerce industry, has been repeatedly shaken by fires occurring at regular intervals. The most notable incidents include the fire in October 2021 at One Avighna Park – a prestigious high-rise residential tower in Worli – which tragically claimed a life. Just a few months later, the same building witnessed another fire. More recently, there have been two fires in the Breach Candy Apartment within a span of weeks. These incidents have raised thousands of nagging questions about the state of building safety standards in Mumbai, specifically highlighting the issue of outdated fire equipment in South Mumbai towers.

The Problem at Hand

The frequent fires in Mumbai’s high-rise buildings have exposed a glaring problem: the fire safety infrastructure in these towering structures has not kept pace with the city’s rapid growth. Many of these buildings lack adequate fire safety systems such as sprinklers and fire exits, and are equipped with antiquated fire fighting equipment that fails to meet current safety standards. The problem is exacerbated by the lack of regular maintenance and updates to these systems, leaving residents vulnerable to fire-related disasters.
1. Is Mumbai Doing Enough to Ensure Safety?
The series of fire incidents raises a critical question: Is Mumbai doing enough to ensure the safety of its citizens living or working in high-rise buildings? Despite the known risks, many builders and Society Managing Committees cut corners to maximize profits, often neglecting basic security measures. This negligence can have devastating consequences, as seen in the fires at One Avighna Park and Breach Candy Apartment.
2. Maximizing Profits at the Cost of Safety:
There is a growing concern that builders and property managers prioritize profit over safety. This approach often results in the installation of outdated or insufficient fire safety equipment, inadequate maintenance of existing systems, and failure to comply with updated safety regulations. Such practices not only put residents at risk but also undermine the overall safety standards of the city.


Exploring the Causes

The leading causes of fires in Mumbai’s high-rises include short circuits, gas leaks, and human error. These incidents highlight the urgent need for regular safety audits and maintenance to prevent such disasters.

1. Short Circuits: Electrical fires are a common cause of high-rise fires. Regular electrical audits, as mandated by the National Building Code every two years, are essential to identify and rectify potential hazards. Ensuring that the electrical wiring and systems are up to date and in good condition can significantly reduce the risk of fire.

2. Gas Leaks: Gas leaks are another major cause of fires. Regular maintenance of gas components, including rubber tubes, LPG gas cylinders, regulators, and hot plates, as per the recommendations of gas companies, is crucial to prevent leaks and potential fires.

3. Human Error: Human error, such as improper handling of flammable materials or negligence in following safety protocols, can also lead to fires. Comprehensive fire safety training for residents and staff can help mitigate this risk by ensuring that everyone is aware of and adheres to safety practices.

Impact of the Fire on the Community

The impact of fires on affected families is devastating. People lose their lives, loved ones, homes, and belongings. Those who suffer burn or smoke inhalation injuries endure extreme pain and discomfort, often facing high medical costs and prolonged recovery periods. These tragedies underscore the importance of safe buildings and adherence to fire safety procedures.

Short-Term Solutions for Building Safety in Mumbai

In light of the recent fires, several short-term solutions can be implemented to improve building safety in Mumbai

1. Better Enforcement of Existing Regulations: Strict enforcement of existing fire safety regulations is essential to ensure compliance and safety. Regular inspections and penalties for non-compliance can motivate building owners to adhere to safety standards.
2. Additional Training for Firefighters: Firefighters must receive regular training to stay updated on the latest fire fighting techniques and equipment. This training can enhance their ability to respond effectively to large fires.

3. Improved Communication Between Buildings and Emergency Services: Establishing efficient communication channels between buildings and emergency services can ensure a quicker response during emergencies, potentially saving lives and reducing damage.


Long-Term Actions Taken by Government to Ensure Building Safety

In response to the repeated fires, the government has pledged to take steps to improve building safety in Mumbai.
1. Comprehensive Inspections: The government has announced that all high-rise buildings in Mumbai will be inspected for compliance with fire safety norms. Non-compliant buildings will be ordered to rectify deficiencies immediately.
2. Increased Surveillance: Surveillance at construction sites will be increased to ensure that builders follow safety regulations. This measure aims to prevent the construction of unsafe buildings.
3. Creation of a Comprehensive Database: The government plans to create a comprehensive database of all buildings in Mumbai, detailing their compliance with safety norms. This database will help in monitoring and ensuring the safety of buildings.
4. Dedicated Team of Inspectors: A dedicated team of inspectors will be set up to regularly check buildings for compliance with safety standards. This proactive approach aims to prevent fires and enhance overall safety.

Call to Action for Property Owners / Managing Committees

Property owners and managing committees must take immediate action to ensure the safety of their buildings. Fire safety should be prioritized, and all necessary measures should be taken to prevent incidents.
1. Adherence to the Maharashtra Fire Safety Act: The Maharashtra Fire Safety Act mandates that all buildings must have a valid fire safety certificate in ‘Form B’ issued by a licensed agency approved by Maharashtra Fire Services. However, a recent report found that only 18% of buildings in Mumbai have a valid fire safety certificate. This alarming statistic needs urgent attention.
2. Regular Maintenance and Upgrades: Buildings must undergo regular maintenance and upgrades to ensure that fire safety systems are in good working condition. Outdated equipment should be replaced with modern, efficient systems that meet current safety standards.

3. Comprehensive Fire Safety Training: Residents and staff should receive comprehensive fire safety training to ensure they are prepared to respond effectively in an emergency. This training can save lives and prevent injuries.


Elixir Engineering is one of the leading Licenced Agency and fire fighting system specialist in Mumbai and Pune. We have been providing quality services to our clients for the past many years. We are specialized in designing, installing, testing, and commissioning fire fighting systems specialist in Mumbai and Pune, has been providing quality services to clients for many years. They specialize in designing, installing, testing, and commissioning firefighting systems, using the latest technology and equipment to ensure the highest quality services.
Elixir Engineering offers customized solutions to meet the specific needs of clients, helping them comply with safety regulations and protect their properties. By prioritizing fire safety and investing in modern equipment and training, Mumbai can create safer living and working environments for its residents. The time to act is now, before another tragedy strikes.

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