How To Submit Fire Form B On mcgm Portal Online?
This Assist every Owner & Occupier of property/ society for hasslefree submission of FIRE Form B.
This function is enabled over mcgm portal, but this time there is slight change to it.
Process is explained in the video below:
मदतमजकूरEnglish ( we need to select the language as per our preference )
- महानगरपालिके
विषयी - नकाशे, अंतरंग आणि अहवाल
- पर्यटकां
करिता - नागरिकां
करिता - व्यवसाया
करिता - भागीदारां
करिता - उज्ज्वल संधी
करिता - कर्मचा-यां
Form A and Form B Certificates are mandatory attaining Government Fire Compliance
(copy the above section and fill in the details related to the topics in the relevant month)
What is Form B for fire NOC in Maharashtra?
FORM A & FORM B AUDIT. Form A and Form B Certificates are mandatory attaining Government Fire Compliance and NOC certificates. We are a Licenced Agency by Maharashtra Fire Services to carry out audits as per Maharashtra Fire Department Norms and Requirements and are certified to issue Form A and Form B certificates.