
What Is The Procedure For Fire Evacuation of High-Rise Buildings?

Fire Evacuation

To ensure that all the occupants of the building follow the fire evacuation procedure to enable a quick, orderly and safe evacuation of all occupants, including the sick and elderly including pets.

Conducting a safe evacuation of a high-rise building needs a lot of preparation, coordination and training of all the residents, occupants and staff (maintenance, security and housekeeping).

See the Fire Evacuation Video on Vaccifire Youtube Channel


An overview of how Residential Apartment Buildings should carry out a fire drill

It is the responsibility of the Managing Committee of the premises to ensure that fire evacuation drills are carried out.

The dangers which may threaten residents and staff if a fire breaks out depends on many different factors. Consequently, it is not possible to construct a precise model procedure for action in the event of fire which would be suitable for use in all premises.

However there are certain basic procedures that are common to all Fire Evacuation Drills. It is therefore important that the following points must be given prime consideration.

The purpose of the fire drill

Fire drills are intended to ensure, by means of training and rehearsal, that:

·  People who may be in danger act in a calm and orderly manner

·  Those with responsibilities carry out their tasks to ensure the safety of all concerned

·  Escape routes are used in accordance with a predetermined and practiced plan

·  Evacuation of the building is achieved in a speedy and orderly manner

·  People will react rationally when confronted with a fire or other emergency at home or elsewhere.

Consideration must be given to the age of the residents and whether there are any residents / children with special needs.

Frequency of fire evacuation drills

NBC 2016 mandates Fire evacuation drills should be held at least twice a year in the first year of occupation and subsequently once a year mandatorily.

Notices and signs

Each fire alarm point should be clearly indicated by ‘Fire Alarm’ sign in accordance with the health and safety (safety signs and signals) regulations followed by the appropriate operating instructions (see notice 1 below).

A notice should be displayed adjacent to the telephone or switchboard at the reception giving clear instructions for calling the fire service in case of fire (see notice 2 below).

Notices should be displayed for staff detailing their actions in an emergency in visible positions e.g FM Office, BMS Room, etc. (see notice 3 below).


Any attempt to fight the fire must always be secondary to life safety. Circumstances will clearly dictate whether firefighting should be attempted. Any attempt to fight the fire must be based upon the type and degree of training received in the use of firefighting equipment available on the premises.

Regular fire drills will ensure that the evacuation procedure fulfills its aim satisfactorily and will highlight any area which may need to be reviewed.

Multi-building sites

Many Apartment Complexes have more than one building on site. It is not necessary for the fire alarm systems within these buildings to be linked together.

In the event of an alarm, a procedure should be established whereby contact is made with the other buildings on site either by telephone or by a designated person. Once contact has been made, it will be usual procedure to evacuate all buildings (by operating the fire alarm, telephone message or personally).

In some cases, management may decide to operate a ‘floor warden’ scheme. This delegates responsibility to members of staff / residents to quickly search each floor (all rooms, including toilets) and to report to a designated person that their floor is clear. Where this procedure is in operation it is not necessary to evacuate all buildings.


A fire drill routine is based on a critical sequence of events.

This page details what should happen during the different stages of a fire drill.

Alarm operation

Anyone discovering an outbreak of fire must, without hesitation, sound the alarm by operating the nearest fire alarm call point.

Calling the fire service

All outbreaks of fire or any suspected fire, however small, should be reported immediately to the fire service by the quickest means available. This task could well be designated as the responsibility of the Security at the Building Reception as a telephone will be readily available at that location.


On hearing the fire alarm, Residents must be instructed to leave the building in single file and in a calm, orderly manner.

The Residents must take the pre-defined exit route which leads to a predetermined assembly point.

Specific arrangements must be made for Residents with physical or mental disabilities to ensure that they are assisted during evacuation.

·  No running is to be permitted. Running can lead to panic.

·  On staircases everyone must descend in single file from the left side  of the staircase. Overtaking is not permitted.

·  Lifts must not be used.

·  Anyone who is in the lift lobby when the fire alarm sounds must go immediately to the assembly point.

·  No one must be allowed to re-enter the building until told to do so by the fire service in attendance, or, in the case of a fire evacuation drill, the senior person in charge.


An area outside the Building perimeter must be designated as an assembly point. It must be clearly marked and easily identified by anyone who may be on the Building premises. It must be far enough away from the Building premises to give protection from the heat and smoke given off by a fire. It should be in a position that does not put Residents and staff at risk by emergency vehicles responding to the incident.

Roll call

One person should be nominated to have overall responsibility to ensure that an apartment wise roll call is conducted in the event of a fire alarm. They should use the following instructions:

· Immediately after Residents have assembled at the assembly point, a count must be made to check that no-one is still inside.

· Any visitors or contractors on the premises at that time must be included.

· The count at the assembly point must be checked with the Entry registers and visitors book to verify that everyone is out of the building.

· Entry registers and visitors books should be held at a central point and must be brought to the assembly point when the alarm sounds.

· Each Member must report to the nominated person in charge of the evacuation to verify that everyone in their apartment is accounted for or to inform him/her of the number of people missing.

Meeting the fire service

The person in charge of the roll call must identify him/herself to the fire service on their arrival. This will allow the fire officer to decide the necessary actions to be carried out by the fire service.

Typical information the fire service will want to know:

·  Is everyone accounted for?

·  If anyone is missing: how many? What is their usual location? Where were they last seen?

·  Where is the fire? What is on fire? (It may not be apparent)

·  Are there any hazardous substances involved in the fire or stored in the building (e.g chemicals, solvents, liquified petroleum gas or acetylene cylinders)?

Instruction, training and recording

During the first month of joining, or as soon as possible thereafter, all new entrants (Residents, staff and support staff) should be shown the primary escape routes of the Building. They should also be informed of the fire evacuation routine.

All members of staff should receive instruction and training appropriate to their responsibilities in the event of any emergency.

All members of staff should each receive a personal copy of written instructions. They should receive two periods of verbal instructions in each 12 month period. Such instructions should include details of how to call the fire service. In the case of new staff, instruction should be given as soon as possible after appointment.

A record of the training and instructions given and fire drills held should be entered in the log book and include the following:

·        Date of the instruction or fire drill

·        Duration

·        Name of person giving the instruction

·        Names of people receiving instruction

·        Nature of instruction or fire drill

Fire drills, which may be combined with the instruction given above, should be carried out at least once every six months. The fire drill should simulate that one escape route is not available. Each fire drill should be started by a predetermined signal and the whole premises checked as if any evacuation was in progress.

In large premises, a specific person should be made responsible for organizing staff training and nominating one other person to coordinate the actions of the staff in the event of fire. Effective arrangements should be made for a deputy or deputies to carry out the above duties in the absence of the nominated people.

In smaller premises, one specific person should be made responsible for organizing staff training and for coordinating the actions of the staff in the event of fire. Effective arrangements should be made for a nominated deputy to be available to carry out the above duties.

Notice 1

Fire Instructions

(specimen instructions to be posted in the lift lobbies)

Any person discovering a fire must:

• Operate the nearest fire alarm.

• the fire service will be called immediately by dialling “101” using the nearest telephone.

On hearing the fire signal:

• Form a single file and move by the most direct route to the place of assembly.

• At all times act quietly and calmly.

• Do not stop to collect your personal belongings.

• Do not attempt to pass others on your way to the place of assembly

The place of assembly is: …………………………………………………………………………. (note: complete as to the place of assembly)

Notice 2

Fire Instructions

(specimen instructions for person responsible for calling the fire service (also to be posted adjacent to the telephone or switchboard)

On hearing the fire alarm Call the fire service by telephone – Dial “101” Give the operator your telephone number and ask for the “fire service”, when the fire service replies Give the call distinctly: Fire at………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (give exact address) alongwith your name and number.

The Fire Service Operator will ask you to disconnect and call you back to verify the authenticity of the call. Do not panic. The call will come within a couple of minutes.

Do not assume that the call has been received unitil it has been acknowledged by the fire service

Note: if informed of any outbreak of fire by word of mouth, first operate the fire alarm. And then call the fire service as mentioned above.

Notice 3

Fire Instructions

(specimen instructions to staff in case of fire – general Instructions to be observed by staff)

In the event of fire it is the first duty of all concerned to prevent injury or loss of life. For this purpose you should make certain that you are familiar with all means of escape in case of fire. Since there may be an opportunity in the event of fire, for you to attack it with the nearest fire extinguisher or hose reel, you should also be familiar with how to use them. Immediately you discover a fire or one is reported to you, you should – sound the alarm. The (…………………) is responsible for ensuring that the fire service is called immediately on the sounding of the fire alarm. The FIRE MARSHALL is in charge of fire fighting operations, and you should follow his instructions.

Immediately the fire alarm sounds you should assist all Residents to leave the building. On arrival at the assembly point which is at ………………………………………………………….. A roll call should be taken by ……………………………………………………… who will be responsible for informing the fire service of persons not accounted for.

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